-Tiwi beach/Twiga Lodge
-the scramble to get bus tickets
-crabs and hermit crabs
-"that crab has my shillings!"
-"oh bucket."
-the dogs: Limp, Scar Face, Square, and Road
-ocean swimming
-Courtney rides a camel!
-sea urchins
-frisbee w/ Brad Pitt
-Mwanza B & Nairobi Fun Team
-Mallory's cartwheels on the bathroom wall
-Easter sunrise <3
-Zion climbing trees to get coconuts
-Dutch Blitz
-sleeping in a tent on the shore of the Indian ocean
-not wearing shoes (in white sand)
-"that's about 3 chapsticks long" -Zion
-"Courtney, you swim like a manatee" -Zion
- so good < SO GOOD!
-puppies under the tent
-Juba House pool
-the nice taxi driver that brought Zion's passport back
-waiting so long for food
-speaking in inside jokes
-pizza bombay and chips
-talking to Zion on the night bus (SCANDALOUS, lol)
-Aram and Priska
-the cat at the restaurant <3
-Dreadlock Rudy, Luchie, and the cloth ladies
-running sideways like a crab (me)
-snatching the frisbee in Mid Air
-the money man
-Alvaro and pineapple Fanta
-Zion's tiny green Ethiopia shirt
-Mallory/Salary, Tra-ves, Bolivia/Oblivia :), Zitron
-"_____ time Solomon."
-"hey seesta.... -NO THANK YOU" -Courtney/Mallory
-Olivia finding Zion's shirt in the ocean after the tide took it away
-pictures :) -hobbies.
-"find out what's happening." -Courtney
-would you rather and "one time..." stories -Travis
These are just some of the fun things that happened, and most of these come from a list that Courtney compiled while we were there. Instead of trying to catch you up on everything that we did, there's a summary, which I hope you can understand. If not, don't worry, and I would love to explain these things later.
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